About the Kinship Program

When children have been abused or neglected, CPS may remove them from their homes to ensure their immediate safety. For generations, extended families have played significant roles in rearing these children when parents are having a difficult time.

Kinship care givers are relatives and other people who CPS contacts to take in the children until the birth parents show stability (often referred to as fictive kin). These are people who the child or family has a significant relationship with and who can often provide the children with stability when they can’t live with their birth parents.

Our goal is to help these “kinship” families by providing them access to Angel Reach goods and services to provide safe and consistent care for these children.

Services provided to families include:

  • Case Management
  • Support Groups
  • Food Pantry
  • Clothing
  • Enrichment Activities

The goal of the Angel Reach Kinship Program is to help children and youth achieve their full potential in spite of the obstacles placed on them by broken families and a broken system.

Do you need Help?

Are you a Kinship Caregiver who needs guidance and support as you care for the children entrusted to you?

Angel Reach provides supportive services and programming to help your family succeed. Please fill out our Family application form, and a staff member will contact you.

apply here

Food Assistance

The Angel Reach Food Pantry provides wholesome, healthy food products to all youth and Kinship families that are enrolled in the Angel Reach program. The Food Pantry offers weekly groceries to the clients:

  • Kinship Families and TLP Youth are limited to 1 (one) food box per week
  • Weekly registration to request to receive a food box is required to receive a food box each week
  • Any groceries left after pantry has closed on Tuesday will be restocked

Food Pantry Pickup Hours:

Tuesday: 9:30 am – 12:00 noon

Contact Kinship Case Manager for questions on food pantry access and eligibility

Email Kinship Director

Clothing Assistance

Angels Loft, an Angel Reach Resale Store, is available to assist families with emergency clothing needs. Families enrolled in the Angel Reach Kinship program, are provided vouchers to be redeemed at Angels Loft for clothing needs. Case Managers provide vouchers to all eligible families as needed.

For more information on Angels Loft hours of business and accessibility, please visit Angels Loft website.

Angel’s Loft Website ›

Recommended Resources

Relative Care Books

Recommended Resources

Relative Care Books

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Kinship Family?

A Kinship family is a relative or close family friend who has become the caregiver of children removed from their birth parents by CPS due to neglect and/or abuse.

What paperwork is needed to apply to the program?

To qualify for the Kinship program, families need to provide proof of guardianship, such as a court order, power of attorney, or adoption decree. This document confirms that the child is under the care of a family member or close friend.

What services are offered to the Kinship Family?

Angel Reach provides a wide range of services to Kinship families, including case management, caregiver support groups, access to the food pantry, clothing, and family and youth enrichment activities.

What do Kinship Families need the most?

Kinship families need support in meeting the daily needs of the children that they have chosen to have placed in their care from unsafe situations. Cleaning supplies, new shoes, and clothing are just a few needed items. For specific needs, please contact our Angel Reach staff for more information.