About the Transitional Living Program

The Angel Reach Transitional Living Program (TLP) is a comprehensive and impactful initiative aimed at providing essential support and guidance to youth transitioning out of foster care and/or facing homelessness, aged 16-24. Within this initiative, we serve both youth who are housed within our residential program and those who request access to our services as a day client and who are not housed on Angel Reach properties.

Whether a youth is housed or a day client, the program is designed as a teaching program, with services that not only addresses the basic needs of the individual but also teaches character values such as honesty, respect, self-worth and accountability. Everything is done intentionally, with the purpose of encouraging and coaching the young people in obtaining life skills that perhaps were missed while they were growing up, and providing them with a foundation for them to stand on to becoming productive citizens.

Do You need Housing?

Finding stable housing after foster care can be challenging. We provide safe, supportive transitional living and access to resources that help you build a strong foundation for your future. Whether you need a short-term solution or a place to grow, we’re here to help.

Ready to take the next step? Fill out the housing application below.

apply here

Angel Reach Housing Services

The Angel Reach Housing is a 2-year program with an availability to re-apply if additional time is needed to complete their goals. Our Housing program is designed to meet the immediate needs of safe housing and food security, allowing youth to have the ability to focus on obtaining success in their goals of education, employment and emotional stability.

While enrolled in the Housing program, youth participate in transitional living services with expectations of engagement and progress to be acted on. The Angel Reach Housing is designed to guide and foster increased independence for the youth as they continue to grow and move through the program at each housing level, providing them the skills to succeed in independent living when they leave the program.

Angel Reach Transitional Living Services

Angel Reach offers transitional living services designed to prepare the youth for success as they transition to adult living. Transitional Living Services offered include:

  • Case Management
  • Counseling – both individual and group sessions, which include addressing special topics such as dealing with trauma, anger management, and substance abuse dependency
  • Employment Coaching and career assessments
  • Educational Guidance, enrollment assistance, and tutoring
  • Driver's Education
  • Transportation services to and from school, job, or medical appointments
  • Cooking classes and nutritional coaching
  • Mentoring
  • Life skills classes
  • Financial Coaching
  • Community Service opportunities

Coordinated by Case Managers, a side-by-side coaching model is fostered as the youth move through their client-defined transitional living path, providing support for both progress made and/or challenges encountered.

The goal is for these young people to become emotionally stable and financially independent and eventually contributing back to their communities.

Angel Reach Village

The Angel Reach Village is part of the Angel Reach Housing program and consists of a housing community that contains group housing and individual duplexes, all contained within a secure and safe environment.

Built to increase our housing capacity, the Angel Reach Village meets the demand for safe housing of which is in short supply for youth who are transitioning to adult living. It is designed to guide and foster increased independence for the youth as they continue to grow and move through the program at each housing level.


Youth are admitted into the program on a case by case basis, who have any of the following history:

CPS History

Young Adults aged 16-24 with CPS history.

At Risk of Homelessness

Young Adults aged 16-24 who are homeless or at risk of being homelessness.

Living Away from Birth Family

Any Child or young adult who is living away from their birth family home and are living with a relative/kinship caregiver.

If this is you we are here to help! You can start the process by applying below and we will be in touch with you

Transitional Living Application

Frequently Asked Questions

Who qualifies for the Angel Reach Housing Program?

Any youth aged 18-24 who is currently at risk of homelessness or has aged out of foster care.

How long are youth in the Transitional Living Program?

The Transitional Living Program is a two-year program. If additional time is needed for a youth to complete their goals, they may re-apply for an extended stay in housing.

Do clients pay rent?

Yes! Rent is based on a sliding scale depending on the level of housing each client is in and how long they have been with us. As clients enter the housing program, they are required to pay $100/month after their first month in the program.

What are the houses like?

Fresh Start housing is family-style homes with roommates. Staff is onsite 24 hours for emergency needs and to assist clients where needed. The Village duplexes are independent housing units on Angel Reach grounds where clients have a housemate.